Inverted Gear Blog

Tag: Matt Kirtley

Challenging the Traditional Logic on Teaching

Challenging the Traditional Logic on Teaching

When I was first learning how to teach, certain “best practices” were common knowledge. These were the “right” ways to be a good teacher, run a good class, and design a good curriculum. You see these in the teaching guides in any field: A logical step-by-step progression is necessary for optimal learning Each technique and each class should logically follow the previous one Stick with a single topic or technique until you have it down perfectly Doing many deliberate, precise repetitions is the best way to get clean technique A good instructor explains everything in great depth and shows every detail Students have ideal learning styles such as visual, auditory, verbal, or kinesthetic These are uncontroversial and “everyone knows” they...

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The Four BJJ Archetypes - Which Are You?

The Four BJJ Archetypes - Which Are You?

Over my years in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I’ve come up with a theory of four archetypes for like-minded jiu-jiteiros that I call The Competitor, The Scholar, The Hobbyist, and The Traditionalist. Let me describe these archetypes, and you can see if you recognize yourself in any of them: The Competitor wants be challenged and test themselves against others. Most obviously, competitors are eager to hit up tournaments in hopes of taking home gold. That said, not everyone with the “competitor’s spirit” goes to tournaments, but they may just approach their training with a heightened intensity. Competitors are likely to put in the extra work to stay in shape and eat right so they can achieve peak performance. They can be selfish...

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How to Return to BJJ After a Long Break

How to Return to BJJ After a Long Break

Sometimes life gets in the way of BJJ. Accidents and injuries will knock you out of training. When you are sidelined with an injury, illness, or even a blessing like a new baby or a job promotion, it’s easy to go stir crazy. What’s the secret to a smooth return? Here’s my advice for getting you back on the mats ASAP:Set realistic expectations. Taking two weeks off to go on spring break is different than being laid out for six months after ACL surgery. Don’t expect to jump right back in at your previous intensity level if that’s unrealistic. Take it easy at first and only push yourself when it makes sense, not because you’re impatient or because someone else...

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Stop Falling for “One Weird Trick” - 7 Good Habits to Build Instead

Stop Falling for “One Weird Trick” - 7 Good Habits to Build Instead

We all want to discover the “secret” to quick gains. That’s why we buy DVDs, go to seminars, and get private lessons. That’s how fitness companies sell us workout gizmos and dietary supplements. And if we’re being honest, that’s probably why you are reading this article. Let me share a story about a guy I used to train with. He was always telling me how he “finally figured it out”, whether that was a new workout, a new diet, a new BJJ routine. This month it was a special blend of pre-workout powder. Next month it was a variation on the 5/3/1 lifting program. The month after that, those would be out the window but he’d tell me “this time...

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Plant-Based Diet Basics for Vegan Grapplers

Plant-Based Diet Basics for Vegan Grapplers

Several years ago, I became interested in a vegan diet for ethical and environmental reasons, but at the time, I did not know anyone else in BJJ who was vegan or eating a plant-based diet, so I was not sure it was possible. At first, I had the questions most people have about not eating animals: “How do I get enough protein? How do I get enough calories? What about healthy fats? Will I get all my micronutrients? How do I shop and meal plan? Is it all just boring tofu and salads? Where do I even start?” I had ingrained beliefs about the need for animal protein and dairy products that made me worry I would not be able to...

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The Right Approach to Earning Your Blue Belt

The Right Approach to Earning Your Blue Belt

For many white belts, earning a blue belt can seem like the ultimate prize, but it can also be the source of so much anxiety. This guide will show you the right way to approach setting goals around belt ranks.

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Concept-Based Learning in BJJ

Concept-Based Learning in BJJ

Learning to see the concepts behind techniques accelerates your learning by leaps and bounds. In his latest blog post, Matt talks about how to shift into this concept-based mindset.

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The White Belt Struggle: How to Push Through It

The White Belt Struggle: How to Push Through It

Are you struggling as a white belt? The good news is you’re not alone and you’re not unique in your challenges. In this article, I’m going to lay out many of the struggles white belts experience, including ones that get less mention, like social anxieties, and how to overcome them. Some relief can come from simply knowing that you’re not alone in your experiences, what you’re feeling is not even unusual, and that many people -- including the black belts you now look up to -- went through many of the same problems. Common Issues for New Students: Knots in your stomach and anxiety before class. To be honest, for my first six months as a white belt, as it...

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Breaking Down Techniques: Reverse Engineering in BJJ

Breaking Down Techniques: Reverse Engineering in BJJ

Being able to reverse engineer a technique gives you deeper understanding of it and helps you develop counters. Matt explains how to adopt this critical mindset in his latest blog post.

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Fight the Funk: Health and Hygiene for BJJ

Fight the Funk: Health and Hygiene for BJJ

Staying clean and healthy is fundamental to a good training experience. This guide will make sure you don't miss mat time due to stinky gear or itchy rashes.

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