Inverted Gear Blog

Tag: Diet & Nutrition

Plant-Based Diet Basics for Vegan Grapplers

Plant-Based Diet Basics for Vegan Grapplers

Several years ago, I became interested in a vegan diet for ethical and environmental reasons, but at the time, I did not know anyone else in BJJ who was vegan or eating a plant-based diet, so I was not sure it was possible. At first, I had the questions most people have about not eating animals: “How do I get enough protein? How do I get enough calories? What about healthy fats? Will I get all my micronutrients? How do I shop and meal plan? Is it all just boring tofu and salads? Where do I even start?” I had ingrained beliefs about the need for animal protein and dairy products that made me worry I would not be able to...

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S-Rolling with Slow Cookers

5 Golden Rules to Slow Cookers   We do not always have to be sprinting, whether we are talking about our training or, in this case, our cooking. Going slow has its benefits but that is only if you truly follow the rules behind “going slow.” The same applies with cooking, low and slow works wonders for the end result that is if you follow the rules. Luckily for us, the culinary gods have developed a product ages ago that has simplified the process. What do you think they called it? You guessed it, The Slow Cooker. They did not have a team of marketing gurus working on that name clearly. These have saved Nelson and myself time, money and energy...

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