Inverted Gear Blog

Tag: Samantha Faulhaber

Breath and Rib Training for BJJ

Samantha Faulhaber, FRCms, FRAs, is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and mobility specialist, and she’s back with a new article and video on breath and rib training!

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What to Do When Your Knees Don’t Feel Good

What to Do When Your Knees Don’t Feel Good

Samantha Faulhaber, FRCms, FRAs, is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and mobility specialist certified by Functional Anatomy Seminars. See a professional for recommendations that are specific to you and your needs. These recommendations are not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. Do all movements outside of any pain and seek help to make sure your knees are healthy enough to try any of these movements. Do your knees feel good? A healthy knee can do all of these things without pain: Bend (flex) Straighten (extend) Has a mobile kneecap (also known as your patella) Rotation (via tibial rotation) Let’s break down each movement and a few strategies to follow if you find any issues. Start in a...

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